What in the World is God Doing?
RAIN International SA Photo Album RAIN International Photo Album  RAIN International Photo Album Photo Album Page

About this Photo Album

The photographs contained in this album serve to give you a more visual idea of what we do as a ministry and how God is using us to impart Godly strategies into the lives of men, women and children.

Although this photo album is by no means comprehensive, our aim is to impart vision for the work of the Lord and to encourage you to follow God's dream for your own life and ministry.

To view a photograph, simply click on a thumbnail or text description below and the picture will open in a separate frame of your browser.

Jan and Annika van RooyenJan and Annika van Rooyen are the Senior Directors of RAIN International based in Kempton Park, South Africa Jan van Rooyen teaching Kingdom Business Principles in PolokwaneJan van Rooyen teaching and training Kingdom Business Principles to men and women in Polokwane
Entrepreneurship as an Apostolic Kingdom CommunityMany sons in our Household are Entrepreneurs & interact actively with their local Communities Business Men and Women listen attentively to Jan van RooyenBusiness Men and Women in Polokwane listen attentively as Jan van Rooyen trains & schools them in Kingdom Business Principles
A massive shift will take place regarding Marketplace ministryA massive shift and emphasis will take place in the Body of Christ as far as Marketplace ministry is concerned The role of Kingdom Economics is becoming more ImportantAs the Church moves forward into the future, the role of Kingdom Economics is steadily becoming more and more important
Annika van Rooyen speaking at a Business Forum in BoksburgAn important aspect of our ministry is the raising up and mentoring of Kingdom-minded men and women in the Marketplace! Annika van Rooyen at a Business ForumJan & Annika van Rooyen train & mentor Believers with regards to their involvement in Business & the Marketplace.
South Africa is important with regards to world affairsSouth Africa is mandated by God to play an important role with regards to world affairs as we move closer to the end of the Age During 2010 Jan van Rooyen taught Kingdom Economics in PaarlDuring 2010 Jan van Rooyen taught Kingdom Economics in the Paarl region of the Western Cape to Marketplace Ministers
A closely knit Apostolic Kingdom CommunityThe RAIN International SA Household is a closely knit Apostolic Kingdom Community & enjoys regular interaction RAIN International SA Household LuncheonThe RAIN International SA Household & Friends get together regularly for fellowship and interaction
Prophet Derek WardProphet Derek Ward ministering the Word of the Lord to the congregation of Shiloh Kingdom Life Ministries Military Jet Fighter AircraftTeaching & Training Believers to flow accurately in the Prophetic is imperative in the growth of the Church!
Ministerial OrdinationMinisterial Ordination is a serious business in the Kingdom of God, especially in the new season we find ourselves in! Praise and WorshipJoyous and Expressive Praise and Worship is always a wonderful and uplifting experience!
Dinner with friends at Shiloh Kingdom Life MinistriesA time of relaxation and dinner with the Pastors and congregation of Shiloh Kingdom Life Ministries Jan van Rooyen ministering at Adonai MinistriesJan van Rooyen ministering to a husband and wife at Adonai Ministries in Klopper Park, Edenvale (South Africa)
Military Jet Fighter AircraftBefore Jan van Rooyen entered fulltime ministry he was a Military Aviator in the South African Air Force Pastors Abraham and Sarah Ngoy of Christhood ChurchPastors Abraham and Sarah Ngoy have a burning desire to see the Tranformation of the Pretoria inner City

To contact or book Jan and Annika for ministry click HERE, OR to become a part of what God is doing through RAIN International and join our Strategic Team, please click HERE for more information.

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Photo Album Page for RAIN International SA Photographs

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