Communiqué - February 1998

Don't Miss the River...

"Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts" (Malachi 3:1).

Swiftly Preparing the Lord's Way

We previously examined the suddenlies of God, seeing how they herald powerful moves of God. "Suddenly" also implies a sense of speed or swiftness. Since January 1998, our hearts have detected an urgency to "swiftly" hasten the preparation of the way of the Lord, with a definite sense that God is about to pour out His Spirit in an unprecedented way! 

The Spirit and Power of Elijah

Malachi 3:1 also points to the ministry of John the Baptist. In Luke 1:17 Jesus explains that John was flowing in the "spirit & power" of Elijah, a prophetic anointing preparing the hearts of people for the Messiah. Unlike an Evangelist pointing The Way for unbelievers, the Prophet points The Way for BELIEVERS.

Now, in 1998, this same "spirit & power" of Elijah is being poured out, readying hearts to receive Jesus afresh (Hos 10:12; Rev 2:4). At this hour, however, there is an added dimension to this anointing. It is laced with pure and untainted love of Jesus!

The Love of God is the Key

We read of another John in the Bible. John the Apostle. He walked and talked with Jesus, he saw Him heal, heard Him teach, watched Him die, met Him arisen, and saw Him ascend. John knew God.

He had lived with Him and had seen Him work. John writes and explains in simple and practical terms what it means to have fellowship with God. John is known as the disciple whom Jesus loved (John 13:25; 21:20). He was included in the "inner circle" and leaned his head on Jesus' breast. He not only listened to the words of Jesus, but he heard His "heartbeat" of Love. 

Real Love, an Enigma? 

Our world is filled with its words.

Songs, greeting cards, the media, counselors, and romantic novels shower us with notions and dreams of ethereal, idyllic relationships and feelings. Real love, however, is scarce. Caring, selfless giving, sharing, and even dying if need be, seem foreign, almost inappropriate and unattainable entities.

Yet, we unceasingly yearn to love and be loved, but see few living examples of real love. The Apostle John had seen Truth and Love firsthand - he had been with Jesus Who is the embodiment of Love. John became an Apostle of love. 

The River of God - a River of Love

The New Testament begins with the Gospels recounting of John the Baptist and the "spirit & power" of Elijah, and closes with the End-Time Revelation given to John, the Apostle of love. It is no coincidence that the Spirit gave it to John - a sign that this age will come to an end with a mighty outpouring of God's Love. The spirit and power of Elijah cradled in the crucible of God's Love.

The River of Renewal presently flowing across the world has one main aim; to expand our capacity to be overflowing "containers" of His love. Restoring our first love for our Bridegroom, this is undoubtedly the most vital groundwork we as believers need in order to accommodate the great end-time harvest of souls.

Don't Miss the River!!

This River of God's Spirit is there to prepare and mature us for God's Love. Let us not miss God and make this move an end in itself, but let us rather flow with it until it reaches its full conclusion and purpose in our lives, which is to have the love of Christ formed within our very beings (Gal 4:19). 

Yours in His Love and Anointing

Jan van Rooyen

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