Prophecy for Paarl Prophetic Word for Paarl AreaPaarl ProphecyWord of the Lord for Paarl, Western Cape, South Africa - 17 April 2009  Prophecy for Paarl - 17 April 2009 Paarl Region Prophecy

Jan van Rooyen releases Prophecy for Paarl, South Africa on 17 April 2009

Annika and I spent 5 days in Paarl during March of this year. We interacted with local leaders in the Body of Christ. During our stay we spent time in prayer as we sensed the Lord birthing something afresh in the Spirit, for the region. The day before we left for home we shared some thoughts with these leaders regarding some of the things we had heard from the Lord.

It was only on the 17th April, 2009, that the Lord released the full Word regarding the Paarl into my spirit. What follows is what I heard the Lord saying to me regarding the fresh move of the Holy Spirit in Paarl and the surrounding areas:

On the 17th April, 2009, I heard the Lord say that Paarl is entering a brand new season. This is a season of new spiritual beginnings that will cast down strongholds in the heavenlies which have held the Paarl and surrounding areas captive for centuries.

This New Beginning will shake the foundations of both spiritual and natural things established long ago, yet these things have now served their purpose and through the Fire of the Holy Spirit God is beginning to purge foundations and will replace them with a Firm Foundation which is the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

Everything and everyone that does not place the Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom in First-place will be shaken and removed. That which is built from wood, hay and stubble will succumb before the breath of the Lord for He is a Consuming Fire, and every idol, manmade concept and mindset, every religious stronghold, every spiritual structure built in the flesh will be consumed and replaced with that which is truly Eternal.

To accomplish this, the Holy Spirit has chosen to use those who have paid the price and laid their lives down to be true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who have truly laid their lives down for the sake of the Kingdom will begin to emerge as leaders of this New Move in the Paarl and surrounding areas. God will begin to use those who have been despised and ridiculed for a season, yet in the Spirit they are God's Generals.

These sons of the Kingdom will be Anointed to speak the Word of the Lord in such a way that it will come forth from their mouths like a Flaming Sword and will consume that which is not of the Lord and His Kingdom.

I saw in the Spirit how the Lord started to pour out the purging Fire of the Holy Spirit on every Church & Ministry in Paarl and the surrounding area as well as on the Business Sector.

I saw the Spirit being poured out on Churches and Ministries first as the Corporate Church in any geographic region directly affects the natural, especially the Business sector and all things Financial.

The cleansing of the Church I saw was severe and I saw established Churches and Congregations shaken to the core. What I saw was that in some instances God publicly exposed sin in Church and Ministry Leaders because of their refusal to confess what they had been doing in secret.

In some instances the congregations were forgiving and in others the congregations could not absorb the shock of disbelief and disappointment thereby causing these Churches and Ministries to lose their mandate in the area.

I saw how some churches became stronger and started growing as they dealt with these issues and allowed the Holy Spirit to bring a Refreshing and Renewal to them while other Churches simply dwindled and dissipated into nothingness.

The Churches that started to grow were experiencing supernatural and exponential growth with hungry and thirsty Believers coming to them from wide and far, including people from outside the region. I saw Leaders from other provinces and even other nations coming to Paarl to sit at the feet of those who are at the forefront of this Move of the Holy Spirit.

I saw Government Leaders and those who are Civil Servants coming to receive the Word of the Lord for their lives and counsel regarding their specific offices. Many of them came out of desperation because the humanistic counsel they had received previously was causing destruction instead of bringing life and prosperity to the regions they were overseeing.

Leaders in Business from the region started to come there out of desperation as their businesses were experiencing tremendous downturns in turnovers and they knew it was because they had been dishonest and had been defrauding their clients as well as the Government. I heard these men and women openly confess their sins and I saw God touching them with His Spirit and turning them into Firebrands with a vision and passion to raise finances for the establishing of the Kingdom of God.

Furthermore, I saw how the barriers between denominations and those walls erected by religious dogma and prejudice came tumbling down, and I saw how Church and Ministry Leaders across the board came together to confess their pride and rejection of one another and I saw them washing one another's feet with tears streaming down their faces.

I saw a cloud of the Holy Spirit hovering over these men and women softening their hearts towards one another, bringing a oneness and unity in the Spirit that had never been there before. I saw religious, doctrinal, racial, denominational and every other kind of prejudice being stripped from men and women and I saw them being clothed with Christ and His Humility like it was a Suit of Armour.

As they went from there I saw how this Humility impacted their congregations because of the increased Grace upon their lives and all of them started to minister and preach with a Power and Authority that was unknown before. They started to preach the Kingdom of God and revelation would flow from their lips like Rivers of Living Water. I saw ancient strongholds simply vanishing before them as they would prophesy and declare the Word of the Lord.

I heard how the Gifts of the Spirit would flow from their lips, and not only them, but also the members of their congregations would experience the same flow of the Spirit not only in their Church Services, but also at home, at work and their places of Business.

Leaders in Business who decided to flow with this New Move of the Spirit started to prosper in ways that they could not have imagined before. Many of them had to employ more staff and they had to retrain many of their existing staff in order for them to cope with the added responsibilities placed on them.

God said to me that as this Move of the Spirit progresses, He will raise up Apostles and Prophets who are Fathers in the Body of Christ and who will be Anointed to steer this move correctly and bring God's Order and Authority back to the Church, the Community, the City, the Marketplace and the Region. These Apostles and Prophets will be Leaders of the Church AND Leaders in Business who are handpicked by the Holy Spirit to exercise Godly Authority in the region.

As this takes place, an inflow of God's Blessing and Prosperity will begin in a manner that has never been seen since the founding of the city and the region. God will give Wisdom to the Leaders at that time in order for this Wealth to be distributed in such a way that will bring a total blessing to all the inhabitants of the region. The Fullness of the Kingdom of God will begin to manifest and God will use this as an example to the rest of South Africa, Southern Africa, Africa and the World to show them what it means to manifest the Kingdom of God.

My Prayer for You:

Heavenly Father, I bring my brothers, my sisters who have read and heard this Word before You. I thank you that as they release their faith and receive this Word You will begin a New Move of Your Spirit in their life. I thank you that it is a New Day and a New Season of the Holy Spirit and that it begins deep within their spirit this very moment.

I thank you for an outpouring of Your Spirit upon their life, their family, their Church and Ministry, their Work, their Business, everything they put their hands to.

Father, I believe and know that my brothers and sisters will never be the same again as they step out into this New Season of Your Kingdom and do mighty exploits in Your Name.

I pray this in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

My Final Comments:

I truly believe that as you read this Word, God will begin something new in your life. I also believe that as you share this with others you will see the Move of God's Spirit in their lives.

Surely this is a New Day and a New Season in Paarl!

In the Father's Love and Grace

Jan van Rooyen

(Jan van Rooyen, with his wife Annika, are the Directors of RAIN International in South Africa. They are also involved in the Marketplace through their Company, JvR Online Marketing SA. To contact or book them for Ministry or Business Seminars, please visit the RAIN International Contact Page)

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Paarl Prophetic Word 2009 2009 Word of the Lord for Paarl

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