Word for the Church - 19 April 1996  Word for the Church - 19 April 1996

I am at this time pouring out the fire of My Spirit on the earth in a greater measure than ever before says the Lord. A fire that will purge, that will purify, that will bring judgement, that will bring holiness, that will bring unity, that will bring division.

Yes, I say division for it is the time to separate the sheep from the goats. There are those that say they serve Me, yet their hearts are far from Me says the Lord. They are amongst you in My church yet they do not know Me.

They do not know Me because they have chosen to pervert and prostitute themselves with the things of this world and they have decided to follow and teach the defiling doctrines of demons. And because they have chosen to do this, they deny the power and the anointing of My Spirit even though I perform great and mighty signs and wonders right before their eyes.

They also do not know Me because My church as a whole has failed to reveal to them Who I really am. Many of these people carry offenses and hurts in their hearts because of the lovelessness of My people. Remember, love covers a multitude of sin...

Also take note that the Word I gave to the church at Laodicea concerned their lukewarmness. Lukewarmness will never set captives free even though you may think that you have everything you need, lacking nothing. If you lack My Love, you truly have nothing and are only a noisy gong or clanging cymbal.

I hold My church responsible for not showing and revealing My Son....

As time goes by the whore of Babylon will be exposed and become more and more apparent, not only in the world, but also because she is at home and comfortable in My church. It grieves My heart, says the Lord to see her compromise and her hypocrisy, but My timetable is steady and it is sure, and My will and purposes shall be accomplished in the earth and in My church.

I am shaking not only the world but also My church so that those with pure and sincere hearts will become more pure and more consecrated to Me, and those who live a double life will be removed. Know, however, says the Lord, that My Love, grace and mercy transcends My judgement, and anyone who repents and calls upon My name shall be accepted by Me and shall be saved.

Yes, I say division, because My anointing and blessing will fall more and more on those who serve Me from a pure heart, and because of this, jealousy will rise up in those with impure motives, and My remnant will be persecuted by their very own brethren - even the ones from the household of faith.

Does My Word not state that where there is jealousy and envy there is also every other evil work. My Word also states that I have come not to bring peace but a sword. This sword will divide those who are spiritual from those who are carnal. So be aware, be awake, be ready, be on your guard because the accuser of the brethren is walking about looking for those whom he may devour.

Regardless of him, however, I will continue to pour out the fire of My Spirit and the holy will become more holy and the evil will become more evil. I will allow persecution because the fruit of persecution will manifest and become evident as love and unity amongst the true brethren.

This will serve as a testimony to the world when they see your love for one another and many, many, many will repent and come running to you and be born into My kingdom.

I am allowing division and persecution in order to eradicate the manmade divisions that have been apparent in My church because of pride, selfishness and jealousy. I WILL eradicate spiritual racism in My church says the Lord!!!

Also know that it is a time of shaking and changing of leadership in My church. You will see in the days and weeks and months to come that there will be major changes in leadership not only in the church, but also in the world. Be at peace and rest when you see these things happen, because I am doing it says the Lord. I am the one who appoints and removes leaders, so do not be alarmed.

Be ready to love and help the young lambs and sheep of the flock who may still not be properly rooted and founded in Me. Help them to keep their eyes upon Me because ravenous wolves in sheeps clothing will try to devour and scatter My flock while I am removing and replacing leadership.

At this time My true Apostles and Prophets are being raised up and placed in their individual strategic positions. I will use them to bring great and mighty deliverance and victory to the church.

Through their hands I will perform great and mighty signs and wonders. Signs and wonders that will astonish those who propagate the "new age" and "new world order" and think that they have the solution to the worlds problems. Signs and wonders to those in My church who are still doubtful of the present moving of My Spirit.

I will use My Apostles and Prophets to usher in the greatest revival that has ever been seen. So, receive them, love them, surround them with your care and prayers, for if you do so, I will bring mighty deliverance to you, and I will give you the same reward that I give to them.

Know that now is an ordained time of warfare. I have been raising up many as Joshua’s and Gideon’s to deliver My people. But be warned, DO NOT initiate the warfare until you have heard individually and corporately from My Spirit. If you do respond out of your own flesh and mind, you will bring destruction instead of restoration, and cause yourself and other innocent people to be hurt by the evil one.

Instead, continue to prepare yourself. Continue to wait upon Me. Continue to grow in My Love says the Lord because faith works by Love. My Love is the only solution to the problems that are being faced in the church and the world right now. As you continue to wait upon Me, I will give you my instructions and strategies and reveal to you My time-schedule.

As you wait upon Me, I will release anointings and gifts of My Spirit that will paralyse the strategies and the wiles of the enemy in ways that you did not dream were possible.

I will release such a measure of My Spirit in your lives that strongholds of religion and antichrist will come down in individual lives, in churches, in cities and nations quicker than what the carnal mind could ever devise or accomplish in many years. I will cause strongholds to come down even through a single prophetic word uttered in total surrender and obedience.

In these trying times, know that when evil abounds, My grace abounds even more. Know that My Love for you is an everlasting Love. Know that My heart jumps when I hear your voice calling upon Me. Know that when you look to Me, My Love and compassion wells up from within My heart and gushes like a river of living water towards you. Yes, I truly do Love you....

I love you and I am truly yearning and looking forward to that great day when I will receive you unto Myself... But for now there is still much to be done. Continue steadfastly and faithfully. Stay before My face, seek Me and draw close to Me...

(This prophecy given to Jan van Rooyen on 19 April 1996 during prayer)

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