Wings of Fire News -
Thursday, June 07, 2001
FROM: Rev. Jan & Annika van Rooyen
RAIN International SA -
1.)... Dear RAIN International Partner
2.)... The Gate that was a Water Pump
3.)... Birds Migrate when the Seasons Change...
Dear RAIN International Partner
We are almost approaching the middle of winter here in South
Africa. Although we don't experience the extreme
temperatures some other countries do, we still look forward
to when summer arrives.
So, regardless of the weather, and wherever you may find
yourself, please enjoy this Wings of Fire Newsletter.
Jan & Annika
2.) The Gate that was a Water Pump
Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest inventors in
history, lived in a large house with a huge fence around it.
Visitors had to push open a heavy iron gate in order to
enter the compound and then push it back again until it
clanked shut. One of Edison's friends complained to him
about the tremendous amount of energy required to open and
shut the gate.
With a twinkle in his eye, Mr. Edison escorted his friend up
onto the roof of the house and showed him an elaborate
mechanical device made up of levers and pulleys and pumps.
'What you don't know,' said Edison, 'is that everyone who
opens and closes that gate automatically pumps a gallon of
water into my take-up here on the roof.'
Is Your Prayer Life Like Pushing This Gate?
You know the sensation. The heavens are like brass, God
seems as if He has taken a vacation somewhere. You have this
sense of 'deadness' inside your spirit. Your prayer-life
seems dry and life-less, without that special 'flow' you are
used to. It takes major effort just to spend time with the
You are not alone in this. Maybe your are simply 'pumping'
fresh water to fill your spiritual cistern.
Romans 8:22, 'For we have known that all the creation doth
groan together, and doth travail in pain together till now.
23 And not only so, but also we ourselves, having the first-
fruit of the Spirit, we also ourselves in ourselves do
groan, adoption expecting -- the redemption of our body'
(Young's Literal Translation).
There are times where 'also ourselves in ourselves do groan'
and it feels as if you are pumping water with great effort,
just like Edison's gate was pumping water.
You are Pumping Water from the Well
Do you know what? When you experience these difficult times
in your prayer life, you are actually pumping water, living
water. You are breaking open new wells within your spirit,
and as you persevere in doing so, God will use you to pump
living water into the lives of others (John 4:14). God wants
you to persevere and break through into new spiritual
Remember what Jesus said in John 7:38, 'The one who believes
in me, as the Scripture has said, will have rivers of living
water flowing from his heart'
(International Standard Version).
So, continue to press in, continue to trust God to open up
the rivers within you! Continue to pump the Living Water
from your spirit! Stir up the gift within you (2 Timothy
Our prayer for you is that God will burst open the wells and
rivers of Living Water within you, to bring Eternal Life to
those He brings across your path. We trust Him to burst the
banks of your spirit with Life giving Water from His Throne.
In Jesus Name!
3.)... Birds Migrate when the Seasons Change...
In many countries on earth, as in South Africa, seasonal
changes are often indicated by subtle, and frequently not so
subtle signs in nature. The first indications that winter is
approaching in South Africa, are the large gatherings of
Swallows on outdoor telephone wires and similar man-made or
natural objects.
Thousands of these birds flock together as they prepare
them-selves for their migration to countries with warmer
climates. When we see these birds preparing to leave South
Africa, we know that winter is around the corner. In
Scripture, reference is also made to these migrations:
Jeremiah 8:7, 'Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her
appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the
swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know
not the judgment of the LORD.'
The Spiritual Climate is Changing!
As a born-again child of God, you are the most privileged
person on the face of the earth. Even though the spiritual
climate is changing across the world, you have the privilege
of being alive at this crucial time.
Never before has there been a time such as this, where God
is raising up and restoring His Body to its full splendour.
Yes, this is a time of Apostolic and Prophetic restoration,
a time of change where God is relaying spiritual
During the past two thousand years there have been many
changes in the world. There have been wars, famines,
droughts, etc, but at the same time, God raised up many men
and women, churches, ministries and denominations who were
prepared to pay the price to follow Him.
These men and women were anointed by the Spirit and He gave
them Apostolic and Prophetic strategies to bring change and
deliverance about in the society of their day. Some of the
famous names are, Martin Luther, Count Von Zinzendorf, Rees
Howells, Smith Wigglesworth, John Lake, Wesley Brothers,
Charles Finney, and many, many others.
These Fathers of Faith only Laid Foundations
Despite the valiant efforts of these wonderful people and
many before and after them, their works of faith were only
foundational and preparational (see Hebrews 11) for the end-
time move of God. Their lives were sown as the seeds in the
soil of the Spirit that would bring forth the ultimate
Apostolic Restoration and Reformation you and I have the
privilege of participating in today.
You are once living in a time where God is releasing
Apostolic and Prophetic strategies on a massive scale. God
is not only releasing these strategies, but He is also
restoring the ministry of the Apostle and Prophet.
In Matthew 16:2 - 3 we read, 'But he answered them, When it
is evening, you say, It will be fair weather, for the sky is
red. In the morning, It will be foul weather today, for the
sky is red and threatening.' Hypocrites! You know how to
discern the appearance of the sky, but you can't discern the
signs of the times!' (World English Bible)
Discern the Signs of the Times!
As the Body of Christ our heart's cry should be to
accurately see and discern into the spirit realm. It is
imperative that the signs of the time are accurately
discerned, so that the Corporate Body of Christ can
'migrate' into this fresh dispensation.
God wants you to be like one 'of the children of Issachar,
which were men that had understanding of the times, to know
what Israel ought to do...' (1 Chronicles 12:32).
The word 'understanding' in the orginal context, means to be
able to 'see' into the spirit realm. Jesus said, 'I am not
able of myself to do anything; according as I hear I judge,
and my judgment is righteous, because I seek not my own
will, but the will of the Father who sent me'
(John 5:30 - Young's Literal Translation).
Jesus also said, 'Truly, truly I tell you, the Son can do
nothing on his own accord, but only what he sees the Father
doing. For what he does, the Son does likewise' (John 5:19)
(International Standard Version).
It is Time to See and Do!
God is raising up an Apostolic and Prophetic company of
believers who will stop at nothing until the Will of God is
accomplished in the earth.
A company of believers who will trust God for the end-time
out-pouring of the Holy Spirit. An outpouring that will
supercede by far anything of a similar nature that this
world has seen before.
Are you ready to migrate?
Our prayer for you is that God will lead you into the midst
of His will for your life and ministry. We pray that He will
baptise you into this fresh flow of His Spirit. Our faith is
in agreement with yours that together we will migrate
successfully into the new Restoration and Reformation. We
pray this in the Name of Jesus!
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Wings of Fire Newsletter. Please feel free to forward this
email to your friends or family.
In the Father's Love and Anointing
Jan & Annika van Rooyen
(Directors RAIN International)
P.O. Box 648, Edenvale, South Africa, 1610
Phone: +27.11.391.2331 | eMail:
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